Tina LeMarque: Artist and Writer

I have been following Tina as both an artist and writer. When she talks about the layers of her paintings, I have witnessed this phenomena first hand. The longer I stare at one of the many pieces I have collected over the years the more depth I see to the image. A deeper story unfolds. It has been a pleasure watching Tina evolve into one of the most striking, iconographic female artists of our times.
Icaro Cisneros, Mexico
When I bought my first painting from Tina, I was in awe. Tina, however is so approachable which makes it easy in any transaction with her. She really cares who buys her work and wants to make sure it is right for them and their surroundings.
Sarah Levine, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Tina has lived in several locations throughout the southwest and you can see how the southwest influences her work but more importantly is what she is able to bring out from her insides that is most impressive.
Larry Pierce, Washington